Penguin Preschool Unit

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PENGUINS!!!  Garretts favorite unit, probably because his binki was attached to a penguin until we took the bink part away and now it is just a penguin. Needless to say the kids loved our Penguin Preschool Unit.  It had everything cold, black and white.  Perfect for those long January days.

These Penguin Activities are perfect for your older toddlers and preschoolers.  We did these activities during our homeschool time but they can be adapted for the preschool – PreK classroom.

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Week at a Galance

Penguin Preschool Unit

Penguin Preschool Unit

Want to use this unit in your homeschool or preschool classroom? You can purchase it in my tpt store:

Book we Read

Penguins - Penguin Preschool Unit

Penguin Problems- Penguin Preschool Unit


Listening Skills – Print Awareness- Front and Back Cover – Characters/Setting

Penguins Nat Geo - Penguin Preschool Unit

Morning Meeting

Greeting: Students greet the person sitting next to them and they give them a fist bump. 

Share: Something you have enjoyed doing recently.

Social-Emotional: Friendship skills (taking turns, sharing, listening) We use Mind & Heart by Proud to be Primary

Letter: Pp

Music: Penguin Dance

Small Group Activities

Trace & Build Number Mats– Kiddos trace the number., build the number with mini erasers or counters. Then have them count the number of objects.

trace & build number mats

Find the Fish– Lay the penguin cards face up on the table or put them in a pocket chart. Have your kiddos close their eyes while you hid a fish under a card.  The kiddos will then say the letter on a card and flip it over. If they find the fish they are the winner!! **you can pick target letters to use instead of all of the cards.

Find the Fish

Arts & Crafts

Heart Face Penguin– Glue the pieces together to make a penguin. Ask students what shapes they used to make the penguin.  Hang them up for kiddos and parents to see.

Fluffy Penguin

Fluffy Penguin – Have kiddos sponge paint the penguin black and the feet orange. Once dry glue on cotton balls to make the penguins belly. Then add some googly eyes.

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Center Ideas

roll and write

Keeping some materials at each center and then adding a few extra things based on the theme keeps our centers fresh and interesting for kiddos. You can get a list of what stays at each of our centers by joining our Schoolhouse Resource Library, here

Snow Playdough– 2 cup corn starch, 1 1/4 cup  unscented white hand lotion, 2-3 drops of peppermint extract, bowl, spoon. In a large bowl mix the corn starch, lotion and peppermint oil. As you stir, the mixture will start to form into what looks like a snowball. Sprinkle a flat surface with corn starch. Knead the dough until it is a firm snowball that is not mushy or sticky.

Sensory BinAdd shaving cream to your sensory bin and have kids draw pictures. OR Add some ice cubes to the bin with artic animals. OR Cotton balls, foam snowflakes, white pouch lids, penguin figurines

Dramatic Play- Hats, gloves, jackets. If you are really ambitious build an igloo out of milk jugs for your kiddos to play in.

***when you purchase this unit on Teachers Pay Teachers you will get a full list of center ideas. ***

You can find all of these activities and more in my Preschool Penguin Unit in my teachers pay teachers store:

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