best time to use sourdough starter

Everything Sourdough

I WANTED to make sourdough bread, but to be honest, sourdough just plain old scared me.

The directions looked complicated.
Special equipment was often required (like scales)
Flours were recommended that I don’t often use
There was A LOT of waste.
The commitment was staggering (twice a day, forever).
And everyone seemed to experience a lot of failures.
I didn’t want to make THAT KIND of sourdough.

I knew if sourdough was going to be a success in my busy life it had to be:

Simple (no fuss!)
Quick (A few minutes a day)
Easy (Something a 7-year-old could do)
Flexible (Something I could put down for a while when life got busy)
Practical (It had to fit into a busy homestead life!)
So, I set out to find a method that fit all of these criteria…

I killed a few starters along the way…

but I finally found the method I was looking for!

Welcome to Hummingbird Acres

Hi, I’m Deeanne

Welcome to Hummingbird Acres…..  We want to help you create your live a Simple Life…Even if You’re Short On Time, Have No Idea Where to Start, and Don’t Want to Give Up Modern Luxuries.

For us it all started with Poison Ivy and a google search. Where Mr. Google Pants taught us how to get rid of it and introduced us to Homesteading and Permaculture. We jumped head first into homesteading and along the way felt the pull to share our Homesteading Adventures.

We are mom & dad to four kiddos plus Ru, our chocolate lab. Jamie and I (Deeanne) believe in treating everyone like family, keeping our minds and hands busy with DIY and renovation projects, gardening, making delicious goodies and meals to share, and always having an empty bed for guests. Join us as we share our love for homesteading and Inspire you to Build your Dream Homestead.

Grab our best selling Guide

From Scratch Sourdough Starter

Are you frustrated by failed attempts at creating a perfect starter? Imagine effortlessly baking crusty, artisanal loaves that rival your favorite bakery, without the stress and disappointment. Introducing From Scratch Sourdough Starter – the simple, proven solution to your sourdough struggles.

Our Most Loved Sourdough Recipes