Canning Banana Peppers – the Easy Way!

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Canning Banana Peppers

Canning Banana Peppers



  • 1 lb sweet or hot banana peppers
  • 3 cups cider vinegar, (5%)
  • 2 cups water
  • 3 tsp. pickling salt
  • 3 cloves garlic


  1. Sterilize canning jars and keep warm. Prepare hot water bath.
  2. Using gloves, wash and cut off the stems of the peppers. Slice into 1/8-1/4 inch slices.
  3. Place vinegar, water, and pickling salt in a medium sauce pan and heat until boiling.
  4. Fill each jar with 1/2 clove of garlic, 1 1/2 tsp. mustard seed (optional) and 3/4 tsp. celery seed (optional). Then add the pepper slices, making sure to leave 1/2" of headspace at the top of the jar.
  5. Ladle the hot liquid into the jars filling to cover the peppers, maintaining the 1/2" of headspace. Use a plastic utensil to remove any air bubbles, adding more liquid as needed.
  6. Add lid and finger tighten the ring. Process in hot water bath that is already close to boiling for 10 minutes for half pints or pint jars. * Adjust for altitude as necessary.
  7. Remove and let cool for 24 hours. Check to make sure the jar is sealed prior to storing. If jars did not seal (the lid bounces up and down), place in refrigerator and use within 2 weeks.


The pepper rings will not be as crisp as store-bought banana rings as there are no preservatives in this recipe. 

In order to make sure they are as crisp as they can be, only use fresh picked, undamaged pepper rings and be sure that the hot water bath is near boiling when you place the jars in the canner to avoid over processing them. 

Are you Ready to Can some Peppers?

Canning banana peppers is a great way to preserve them for later use. The process is actually quite simple, and can be done with just a few supplies. First, wash the peppers and remove the stems. Next, cut the peppers into pieces that will fit into canning jars. It’s important to leave enough space at the top of the jar so that the peppers can be covered with liquid. To can the peppers, simply add them to a canning jar and cover with boiling water. Be sure to leave about an inch of headspace at the top of the jar. Finally, seal the jar with a canning lid and ring and process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Once processed, the peppers can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to a year.

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Canning Supplies

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What Type of Peppers to Use

If you’re planning on canning your own banana peppers, you’ll need to choose the right type of pepper to use. There are two main types of banana peppers: the sweet banana pepper and the hot banana pepper.

The sweet banana pepper is the more popular of the two, and it’s the type that you’ll usually find in stores. However, if you want a bit more spice in your canned peppers, you may want to try using hot banana peppers instead. Just be sure to use gloves when handling them, as they can be quite spicy!

If you are looking to grow your own banana peppers check out Burpees for seeds and seedlings

Our favorite way to use canned banana peppers is as topping on our homemade pizza.  Check out our go to pizza dough recipe HERE. 

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