Benefits of Elderberry Syrup and How to Make it

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If you’re like me, you’re always on the lookout for natural remedies to help keep you healthy during cold and flu season. And if you’ve never tried elderberry syrup before, you’re in for a treat! Elderberry syrup is not only delicious, but it’s also been shown to have some amazing health benefits. In this post, I’ll tell you all about the benefits of elderberry syrup and provide instructions on how to make your own. So read on to learn more!

Elderberry syrup has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. Modern science has begun to validate many of the traditional uses for this versatile herb. Elderberries are naturally high in vitamins A and C, as well as flavonoids and other antioxidants. These nutrients help to boost the immune system, making elderberry syrup an effective treatment for colds and flu. elderberry syrup can also help to relieve sinus congestion and reduce inflammation. In addition, elderberry syrup is a potent antiviral, making it effective against a wide range of viral infections. Whether you’re looking to prevent illness or treat a current condition, elderberry syrup is definitely worth a try.

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What is elderberry syrup and what are the benefits of it?

If you’re not familiar with elderberry syrup, it’s a natural remedy that’s been used for centuries to treat a variety of illnesses. The berries and flowers of the elderberry plant are packed with antioxidants and vitamins, making them a powerful tool for boosting immunity and fighting off infections.

Many people take elderberry syrup at the first sign of a cold or flu, as it’s been shown to help shorten the duration of these illnesses. Some research also suggests that elderberry syrup may help to improve heart health and reduce inflammation.

Whether you’re looking to prevent illness or just want to stock up on a delicious and healthy ingredient, elderberry syrup is worth checking out.

Elderberry Syrup Ingredients

Where to Get Elderberries

The main thing you will need to make elderberry syrup is elderberries of course! Both black or blue elderberry varieties will work.

But where to get them? There are a few options:

Foraging for wild elderberries is a great way to get them, especially if they are in season (generally August – September, depending on where you live).

You can also try growing your own elderberries in your backyard!

If you don’t have access to fresh elderberries, you can definitely use dried elderberries. (They do tend to go out of stock during the cold and flu season, so stock up early.)

What Kind of Honey to Use

When making elderberry syrup, using raw honey is best, even better if it’s local to your region. Raw local honey is full of powerful antioxidants, nutrients, and enzymes that are still intact because it has never been heated.

You can usually find local raw honey at natural food stores, farmer’s markets, or from a local beekeeper.

Elderberry Syrup Options

The recipe that I am sharing with you is the most basic version of elderberry syrup, but there are ways that you can customize it to your liking.

Here are a few optional ingredients you can add as you’re boiling the elderberries to make the final syrup more beneficial (and more delicious in some cases):

Ginger – either fresh or dried. This gives it a nice flavor, and also had benefits for the immune system.

Cinnamon Stick – just like with ginger, adding a cinnamon stick makes it taste delicious and has some immune system benefits.

Whole Cloves – mostly for flavor, whole cloves also have some health benefits.

Echinacea Root – gives an extra boost to the immune system, but echinacea doesn’t taste great.

Rose Hips – high in vitamin C, rose hips can be foraged in the fall, or purchased dried.

Lemon – some lemon juice and/or lemon zest can be added for flavor and to boost vitamin C.

How to make elderberry syrup – includes a recipe!

Fall is in the air, and that means it’s time to start stockpiling supplies to help fight off cold and flu season. One of my favorite things to make is elderberry syrup. Elderberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that can help boost your immune system, and they have a delicious tart flavor. This recipe is easy to make and only requires a few ingredients.

To make elderberry syrup, you’ll need:

  • 6 cups ripe fresh black or blue elderberries or 3 cups dried elderberries
  • 6 cups water
  • 2 1/2 cups raw honey
  1. If you are using fresh elderberries, discard as many stems and unripe berries as possible.
  2. Put six cups of fresh black or blue elderberries (or three cups dried) into a large pot with six cups of water.
  3. Bring it to a boil over medium heat, then lower the heat and simmer the elderberries uncovered for about one hour, or until reduced by nearly half. If you feel like it is reducing a bit too fast, you can partially cover the pot while it is simmering.
  4. Remove the pot from the heat and set aside to cool to warm room temperature for at least 30 minutes.
  5. Strain out the elderberries using a fine mesh sieve, pressing the berries to get any extra liquid out. You can line the sieve or a colander with cheesecloth if you prefer, this also helps to squeeze out all of the liquid from the berries. Discard the berries. You should end up with at least one quart of elderberry and water mixture.
  6. Add the raw honey while the elderberry and water mixture is still semi-warm and stir until it dissolves.
  7. Ladle or carefully pour the elderberry syrup into quart jars, placing the lid and ring to finger tip tight. Let it cool completely and refrigerate for up to 6 months.

How to store elderberry syrup and for how long

To store your homemade elderberry syrup, pour it into a clean glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. You can store the syrup in the fridge for up to 2 months, or in the freezer for up to 6 months. Keep in mind that freezing and thawing the syrup may cause it to lose some of its potency. When you’re ready to use the syrup, simply take it out of the fridge or freezer and let it come to room temperature. You can then use it as you would any other liquid sweetener. Add it to smoothies, oatmeal, or baked goods, or drizzle it over pancakes or waffles.

Tips on using elderberry syrup for its health benefits

Elderberry syrup has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. Today, elderberry syrup is still prized for its numerous health benefits. Here are a few tips on how to use elderberry syrup to get the most out of its healing properties:

-Start with a small dose. Elderberry syrup is very concentrated, so it’s important to start with just a small amount. You can gradually increase the dosage as needed.

-Mix it with other ingredients. Elderberry syrup can be mixed with honey, lemon, or ginger to make it more palatable. You can also add it to smoothies or yogurt.

-Take it at the first sign of illness. Elderberry syrup is most effective when taken at the first sign of a cold or flu. Taking it at this stage can help shorten the duration of the illness.

Following these tips, you can make elderberry syrup a part of your regular routine and enjoy its many health benefits.

If you’re interested in trying out elderberry syrup for yourself, it’s easy to make at home with just a few ingredients. Be sure to follow our recipe and storage tips so that you can get the most out of your batch – and enjoy all the benefits that this delicious syrup has to offer!

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