Dollar Store Homesteading Supplies

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Living on a Homestead is not cheap! There is always a project that needs to be started or finished or even fixed.  It takes time and money.  You are always in need of homesteading supplies, and believe it or not some of your everyday things can be found at the DOLLAR STORE!!

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Here is a list of things that we often get at the Dollar store for our everyday life on a homestead.


As gardeners we are always collecting from the garden or at least we want to be collecting from the garden. And if we are lucky we will have more than we can carry, so baskets come in handy.  These baskets with handles are our favorites.  We have one for each kiddo so they can help bring in the harvest.


Potato Masher

Instead of grating the soap of laundry detergent we mix the detergent and let it sti while we use the current batch.  By letting it sit the bar of soap gets really soft making it easy to mash.  A potato masher is perfect for this job, about a week before we are ready to use the detergent I will mash up the bar of soap and give it a good shake. By the time we are ready to use it the soap is pretty much dissolved.

Check out more of our Natural Cleaning Recipes HERE!

Wooden Clothes Pins

I love the smell of clothes and blankets dried on the clothesline.  Especially in the spring and summer.  We have used plastic clothes pins in the past but they become brittle and fall apart. We prefer wooden ones and the dollar store has them!!



We are always looking for buckets for something.  I keep a bucket in the linen closet for our bathroom cleaning supplies, I have a bucket dedicated to our laundry detergent stuff, and many others throughout the house.  Keeping everything in buckets makes it easy for us to grab all the necessary supplies when we need them.



Not only tall brooms but also hand brooms. We have a hand broom/dust pan set for each kiddos so that when they spill something they can clean it up.  Our kiddos also have chores that have them cleaning and they can each use their own broom, so there is little if any fighting. :-)

Scrub Brushes

With four kiddos we clean ALOT!!! And we use scrub brushes all the time.  I buy these a few at a time so that we always have extras when we need them.


Tiered Planters

I saw these posted on Instagram in the spring and figured I was too late to get them but I got lucky and found a bunch the last time I went to the dollar store.  I was only planning on buying 5 because we had just bought a Green Stalk but when I sent a picture to Jamie he said buy 10. So now we have to figure out what we are going to plant in them.


Flexible Plastic Cutting Boards

When I first saw these at my sisters house I have to admit I rolled my eyes.  They looked and felt so cheap, why not just use a normal cutting board.  Well Jamie bought a few of them and started using them for cutting veggies and stuff.  They were so easy to clean and took up next to no space. I was sold, and it is even better that they come two to a pack.

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Homesteading Supplies do not have to be found at a big box store or even a local mom and pop store; you can get lots of things at your local Dollar Store.  I challenge you to go take a look and let me know what you find!!