Our Family

The Point - Harpers Ferry - Hummingbird Acres
Lahocki Kids - Hummingbird Acres
Lahocki Kids - Hummingbird Acres


Jamie and I met through a mutual friend in 2013 at the time it was a casual meeting among friends. It wasn’t until the spring of 2014 that Jamie got up enough courage to text me to ask me out to dinner.

I agreed on a whim and didn’t have any expectations. And as it goes we have been together ever since. It’s amazing how when you get to know someone you just know they are right for you. Jamie and I are so connected it is sometimes scary.

We got married in 2015. We weren’t looking to spend a lot of money so we stuck with close family and friends, which turned out to be 75-100 people anyway. We rented a tent and got married at the house I grew up in. It was exactly what we wanted.

We believe in treating everyone like family, keeping our minds and hands busy with DIY and renovation projects, gardening, making delicious goodies and meals to share, and always having an empty bed for guests. Join us as we share our love for the farmhouse lifestyle, everyday adventures, and a little parent and entrepreneur life.



Grand dad

The Stay At Home Grand Dad who doesn’t have to watch kiddos!! lol. That was the joke when he retired from the Coast Guard in 2020. Since leaving the Coast Guard he spends much of his time tinkering with his “cars” and projects around the house. He loves anything international orange and sweet!


She is the spitting image of me but has my sisters attitude. She has been a go getter from an early age; she has always wanted to know what is going on and be a part of what ever you are doing. She definitely keeps us on our toes and makes everyone smile.


Twin A- Garrett is definitely the thinker, he takes his time when doing something but gets angry when it doesn’t go his way. Even though Jamie denies it Garrett looks just like him.


Twin B – Born 10 minutes later. Hunter looks like my dad, and even acts like him. Lol Hunter will be our builder. You can’t leave tools out when this kid is around, he will pick them up and start using them. Hunter has to have the hardest head, that boy doesn’t look where he is going and is consistently falling. 


In January 2020 we welcomed Marisol Anne (named after Deeanne’s Mom; Marianne). She came about 2 weeks early and in the end came fast but she was a blessing and a ray of sunshine in a season that was difficult for all of us.

A fun tidbit for you… All of our kids were born on the 14th of a month.







Our Home…

Southern Living Slope Point Farmhouse
Our Slope Point Farmhouse in 1986

We currently live in the house Deeanne grew up in, along with her dad (aka Grand Dad). I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous to most but it works for us. We have an amazing relationship with Deeanne’s parents. We work as a team to maintain the house and property that her parents worked so hard to build. With everyone helping things get done a lot quicker, which allows us to take MANY family adventures.

Deeanne was a teacher for 8 years but now she stays home with our 4 kiddos and runs a Photography and Visual Branding Company. Jamie worked for a family-owned distribution center, not too far away until Marisol was born at which time he left his job to start his own Bookkeeping Business. We both live for our kids, our homestead and our adventures. We have lots of dreams; we would love to see the country and live somewhere a bit more rural. 

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